Top ENT Hospital in Trivandrum
An ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT) specializes in everything having to do with those parts of the body. They’re also called otolaryngologists. They are trained within the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. It includes diagnosing and managing diseases of the sinuses, larynx (voice box), mouth, and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), also as structures of the neck and face. Otolaryngologists diagnose, treat, and manage specialty-specific disorders also as many medical aid problems in both children and adults. Lords Hospital is a Top ENT Hospital in Trivandrum.
Causes for ENT problems
Ear, nose and throat infections are often caused by an equivalent sort of bacteria and viruses. However, the symptoms are often different counting on where the infection is found. The general symptoms of infection, such as a fever and it is common for infections to spread between these areas. An infection that starts with pharyngitis might start to cause other symptoms like earache when it spreads from throat to ear.
- Ear infections can cause earache, wax or discharge, deafness and balance problems.
- Nose infections are likely to cause a runny or blocked and sneezing. Infections that reach areas like the sinuses also can cause other symptoms like headaches.
- Throat infections can cause a sore or scratchy throat and pain or difficulty swallowing. You may even be ready to feel swollen glands in your neck.
Symptoms of ENT problems
Persistent Hearing Loss
If you’ve been experiencing problems with your hearing for more than a week or two, then need to consult doctor. Temporary hearing loss can happen from time to time if listening to loud music for longer than recommended. But, when the matter persists, it's going to be a symbol of permanent damage to your ear, and you would like to possess it checked out.
Sinus Pain
It takes up a large portion of face and can become inflamed and very sore when problems are present. As such, if you experience sinus pain that lasts for a couple of days, then you ought to see an ENT specialist. Sinus pain includes pain in your face, ear, upper teeth region, and nose.
Ongoing Nasal Congestion
Does one constantly awaken with a blocked nose? Are you finding it hard to breathe because your nasal passage just feels clogged up all the time? If so, then you ought to search for an ENT doctor. Continuous nasal congestion isn't normal and is typically a symbol of a persistent issue. By seeing a specialist, you'll find out the explanation for this and receive an answer directly. Common causes include airborne allergies, infections, or an abnormality.
A Sore Throat
If sore throat is severe, you can barely drink water or has been there for longer than a week. Both instances indicate that your problem is perhaps not a standard pharyngitis. You will have a thorough throat issue is something serious like tonsillitis.
Ringing in Your Ears
If you experience a continuing ringing sensation in your ears, then this is often likely a symbol of a condition called tinnitus. This is something that requires attention. In some cases, tinnitus is really an early symptom of deafness. However, it also can be a symbol that you’ve got an ear infection or another hearing problem. Regardless, see your ENT specialist to urge it sorted directly.
What Does an ENT Specialist Do?
Conditions of the ear
You'll got to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor if you've got an ear disorder or condition, like a hearing disorder, ear infections, disorders that affect balance, tinnitus (ringing within the ears), or pain in your ear.
Conditions of the nose
ENT specialists often manage and treat problems that affect the nose, cavity, and sinuses. These problems can affect smell, breathing, and physical appearance.
Conditions of the throat
Disorders and conditions that affect the throat can affect speech, singing, eating, swallowing, and digestion. ENT specialists can diagnose, manage, and treat these problems.
Tips to prevent ENT problems
- Don't remove earwax unless your physician tells you to
- Wear hearing protection
- Get a proper diagnosis for nose
- Get plenty of rest and exercise to bolster your immune system for throat
- Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke
- Don't spend long periods of your time outside when the air quality in your area is poor
- Drink plenty of water
When should need to see ENT doctor?
- Ear aches or sinus pain that lasts an extended time or keeps returning
- Snoring that hasn’t improved with lifestyle changes or that's linked with breathing problems in the dark
- Tinnitus or ringing in your ears
- Dizziness or problems with your balance
- Losing your voice, hearing or sense of smell
- Blockages in your airway or other breathing problems
- Difficulty swallowing
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